I moved to a new area of Jonesboro in November of 2022. Well, actually it's an old area just new to me. The Historic West End Neighborhood is an area west of Main Street, east of Gee Street, south of Burke Avenue, and north of Nettleton Avenue. And since it is historic that means it includes a lot of neat old homes.

As is usually the case with older neighborhoods, there are plenty of sidewalks. So I decided to make use of them and walk 2-3 miles every few days. That gave me a chance to get a good curb-side view of the homes. That's when the idea came to me to do a photography project for my favorite homes and other structures in the area. And to make it a little more fun, I decided to process each image with a sketch technique for a more antique like result. And for even more fun, I processed some images to resemble an old postcard.

For more information on the Historic West End Neighborhood, check out HOME | West End Neighborhood Association. There's even a map to help you get a better visual of the boundaries.

This project is a work in progress that will take me until the Spring of 2024 or later to complete so check back occasionally for more images.

Main Street images are listed first followed by images for all other streets in alphabetical order (without considering the N, S, E, W designation).

Let me know what you think! And if you spot an error, be sure to let me know. Thanks!
Greetings from West End Neighborhood (postcard)1001 S Main Street1001 S Main Street1001 S Main Street (postcard)1001 S Main Street (back)1001 S Main Street (Christmas)1021 S Main Street1021 S Main Street (Christmas)1100 S Main Street1120 S Main Street1120 S Main Street (postcard)1206 S Main Street (Christmas)1221 S Main Street1225 S Main Street1238 S Main Street1238 S Main Street1238 S Main Street (Christmas)1301 S Main Street1301 S Main Street1301 S Main Street (Christmas)